Are you caring for a loved one with dementia? The fantastic and often unseen work of thousands of carers in Ireland allow many of those suffering with dementia to live at home for as long as possible in with dignity in a caring and supportive environment.
This however can be draining both physically and emotionally for their carers who often have feel they have no one themselves to turn to when things become too much to bear.
Please do not hesitate to see your GP should you need help and support in this role or if you have concerns that you or a loved one may be showing symptoms of forgetfulness or behaviour that is out of character.
There are many community and medical supports available of which you may be unaware and can be organised through your GP or Primary care team. Also, information and support can be accessed via the Alzheimer Society of Ireland which has links to many home services, respite and local support groups that carers can access www.alzheimer.ie
Care of the Elderly
At this time of year it is especially important to think of our elderly friends and neighbours.
Winter can be long and lonely even for those with family around. Elderly people require warmth and regular hot meals to keep safe during the colder months and may need support to get their groceries or medication when inclement weather or ice may make it difficult to brave the outdoors.
Many older people have a fear of falling if they venture out leaving them isolated in their homes and so may miss their usual company and routine.
Should you or a loved one need extra help or support from the many community services available please to not hesitate to contact your doctor or Public Health nurse for advice.
Prepare well for the winter including an early health check-up and ensure that all vaccinations including the annual influenza vaccine are up to date.
When at home keep heating on, always wear warm layer. Get up and walk around the house at least every hour for a few minutes to keep circulation going and muscles strong. Have regular warm drinks and meals.
The following websites have lots of helpful information and useful contacts www.ageaction.ie www.friendsoftheelderly.ie