Nursing Services

Practice Nurse: Our practice nurse is Tania Caswell.

Bloods: As a trained phlebotomist our practice nurse will take bloods for all patients over 12 years of age. We aim to make this procedure as easy for you as possible. We recommend you drink plenty of water in the hours before your appointment, even if you’re fasting. We can also facilitate you if you are needle-phobic (have a fear of needles/blood tests) be sure to let the secretary know this when you are booking.

Infant/Childhood Vaccinations: We provide all of the recommended infant vaccinations and can arrange for other vaccinations outside of the regular schedule including chicken pox and meningitis B. Please contact the surgery for more details.

Education: As part of our nursing service, we provide health related information and education to patients. Whether it’s regarding a specific condition, giving up smoking, advice for new parents or something else, we’re here to help. Contact Nurse Tania for more information on health education.

Diabetic Clinic: Expert Diabetic Nurse Specialists from Beaumont Hospital attend our surgery regularly and run clinics for people with type 2 diabetes. If you are interested in attending one of these clinics please let our secretary staff know.

Ear Irrigation: You can book in for ear syringing with our practice nurse if you feel they may be blocked. For maximum effectiveness we recommend using wax softening eardrops available in your local pharmacy for 5 days prior to syringing.

Wound Care: With extensive experience in care of minor to moderate wounds and burns our practice nurse will be happy to assist you regarding care of wounds and dressings.

Sexual Health Screening: Our practice nurse can advise on and carry out all routine sexual health screening in a confidential and professional setting.

Travel Vaccines: As a certified yellow fever vaccination center, you can get all of your travel vaccines with us. Call the surgery to discuss your destination with our practice nurse and we will be able to let you what you need and how much it will cost before making an appointment

A Pre-travel form is available here Pre-travel Form