Men’s Health Clinic

We in Collins Avenue Medical as passionate about disease prevention and Dr. O’Connell has a specific interest in Men’s Health. The Men’s Health clinic is a health screening clinic for men over the age of 40 specifically focusing on male health issues and disease prevention.
The patient will be asked to fill in a health questionnaire before the appointment which focuses on lifestyle issues and general well-being. Dr. O’Connell will discuss any issues raised in the questionnaire and will do a full physical examination. Blood tests will generally be checked depending on the age of the patient and their medical or family history. Bloods would usually include –full blood count, liver function tests, kidney function tests, thyroid function, cholesterol, glucose and prostate hormone. If further tests are required these will be advised on the day of the appointment.
We are happy to see men back on a yearly basis should they like to attend for a regular check up.